Prime Minister Arvind Kejriwal wants to introduce free public transport tickets for women in the capital of India. That’s because for many of them the prices are too high. However, not all politicians agree about that idea.
Arvind Kejriwal, the head of the ministers directing the Party of the Ordinary Man, announced during a press conference that he planned to introduce free public transport for women. In this way, he wants to encourage them to use public transport. Many Hinduers can not afford it because of the high ticket prices. However, Kejriwal also said that free transport is a privilege, which should not be used by those Hindu who can afford to buy a ticket. He also informed that the government is watching his idea, and the final decisions are to be made within the next 2-3 months.
Women will travel free with all city buses and subway. Thanks to this, they will be able to move safely and without high costs. – said Kejriwal.
However, there is a problem. Everyone agrees that the introduction of free bus tickets is a good idea. However, in the matter of the subway, not everyone agrees. This is because the Delhi government is only half of the capital partners in Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. The other shareholders, including the Ministry of Infrastructure, have different plans for the Delhi metro and do not agree with the prime minister’s idea.
Free transport for women means they either don’t have to walk or can put the money to use elsewhere. It means less stress, better health, better outcomes for the children, and for society. There is tons of research on this. Kejriwal is to be commended for this move.
— IndiaExplained (@IndiaExplained) June 6, 2019