A design studio called donttakethisthewrongway installed public training bags in New York to help relieve tension and stress among residents. They want to reduce aggression in the streets, but also in homes.
Life can be frustrating, we all know it. And negative emotions can sometimes be difficult to control without hurting other people. A studio in New York decided to satisfy this human need. The installation consists of several training bags attached to poles on the streets of New York. This is part of the NYCxDESIGN event. Light yellow training bags are the work of the donttakethisthewrongway studio.
The purpose of this unique project was to encourage people to release their frustrations, regardless of their causes, in a safe way that does not harm anyone.
Our concept explores the possibilities of designing common spaces for emotions with which we all meet. A public boxing bag can be a way to solve personal problems in urban space, without destroying this space.