Diplomats argue about the content of the UN Security Council resolution concerning situation in Venezuela. The prospect of potential U.S. military intervention is still heating up the atmosphere. Trump and Guido: We can’t rule out that possibility.
On Friday, American diplomats presented their project of resolution. At the same meeting, the alternative text of the resolution was proposed by the Russians, who supported Nicolas Maduroo. They accused the USA of supporting the coup in Venezuela. In the resolution, they express their concerned that the USA is going to use military force against independent Venezuela.
About week ago CBS television came up with breaking news. During the interview president of USA, Donald Trump was asked about U.S. military intervention in Venezuela. He admits that “it’s an option”. What’s more, few days later the Juan Guido answered the same question. He said that everything necessary must be done to defend human life so that children would stop dying. He also added that this is a controversial matter, but it is necessary to “do what is necessary”.
In case of that Maduro announced that the army is ready to defend their homeland and he will not allow for intervention, and so much less a civil war. Russians also criticized Trump and Guido statement, but on the other hand Moscow has already begun their own intervention. Of course, they deny this information, but Reuters agency reports that at the end of January hired soldiers from Russia came to Venezuela where they are supposed to protect Nicolas Maduro, in case the army changed sides of the conflict. It is difficult to say what is true, but the example of Ukraine shows that the official statement not always means true.
“Russia has large political and economic interests in Venezuela. That is why Russians care for the regime of Nicolas Maduro at all costs. The Russian-Venezuelan alliance began in the days of Hugo Chavez. Later it was captured. The deeper the economic crisis in Venezuela, the more the authorities in Caracas reached for Russian help – said the expert, Gregory Kuczyński, during a conversation with TVP television”.