8,000 cubic meters of water and 45 meters deep. Deepspot in Mszczonow, a city located near Warsaw, is an ideal place for practicing both professional divers and amateurs.
8,000 cubic meters of water is equivalent to approximately 27 Olympic swimming pools. Deepspot pool is to be bigger then Y-40 Deep Joy in Italian Montegrotto Terme, which was the deepest such pool in the world. For those who love diving, there will be places imitating caves, where divers will be able to practice moving around in non-standard spaces. Besides, you do not have to be able to dive. A glazed tunnel will be created in the pool, which will allow to see the divers.
Deepspot is to be opened this year, but the title of the deepest will not stay with it for a long time. In Colchester, in Great Britain next year, a deeper pool will be built – Blue Abyss.
Underwater world
One of the most popular attractions of this type is the underwater restaurant “Under” in Norway. The restaurant was opened on March 20, 2019. In the underwater dining room there is a huge window allowing to view the beauty of the ocean. The restaurant is small: it can accommodate only 40 people at once. Already, this place has reserved tables for the future for about 7,000 guests.