A luxurious, beautifully decorated and equipped Supreme store has been opened in Shanghai. You can buy almost everything there, including iconic t-shirts and boxlogo blouses, which price on online exchanges reaches over one thousand dollars. The problem is that everything there is fake. Yes, that’s fake factory, but it’s also legal. Chinese lawyers took care of it.
The popular Huai Hai Zhong Lu promenade filled with shops. Not so long ago also a luxury boutique was opened there: Supreme. Big neon with the New York brand logo, interior styled for a skatepark, walls decorated with aphorisms – At first glance, there is no difference. However, the owner of the store and the product provider is not a brand from New York, only International Brand Firm, which for several years impersonates the real Supreme and using legal loopholes, opens new stores with clothing “inspired” by the collection of the iconic brand.
All thanks to the efficient operation of lawyers who, thanks to the patent law knowledge of selected countries, managed to bend the law. Representatives of the New York brand can do nothing in most cases. And at that time, more and more fakes of their clothes appear on the market.
The original Supreme company distributes its clothes in the USA, Japan, Great Britain and France. Brand values ​​inclusiveness very much. For 25 years, they opened only 11 Supreme stores in 4 countries. The first fakes appeared in Italy in 2015. The Director of International Brand Firm simply filled out the patent application, registered the Supreme trademark and started selling clothes. They differed from the American originals in their dimensions, graphic size and price, but otherwise they were almost identical.
In some countries, patent law gives priority to the use of a trademark that first declares it. Thanks to this false brand was also created in Spain, and recently also in China. It was there that International Brand Firm wanted to establish cooperation with Samsung, but after a scandal in the media, Samsung withdrew from this cooperation, explaining that their company has respect for the intellectual property of the creators of the real Supreme.