If laughter is health, especially doctors should know as much as possible about it. That is why students from the Wroclaw University of Medicine can take part in classes with laughter therapy. The lecturer is a certified humorologist, Dr Maria Kmita. She did her PhD in Humorology in UK and later she made an offer to open such a faculty in Wroclaw University.
Classes are a combination of learning about humor and practicing it. It learn students how to help people to get rid of shame and express their feelings. They learn about theories and functions of humor, and on the other hand they play miniature ping-pong or do sumo competition in inflatable sumo outfits. Dr Kmita try to show students that there is absolutely nothing wrong in making a fool of themself, because it allows to open mind and get a distance. Students also discuss diseases that cause pathological laughter. They also do pressure measurements while watching a comedy to check the physiological reaction to humor.
“During the classes, we discuss scientific research on humor and how it affects the body. Such knowledge can be very useful” – says Dr Kmita
The English Division students also participate in the classes. The program was specially modified for them, because the sense of humor varies depending on the nation and the cultural circle. Classes with ED students are always a big discussion. What creates the humor of a given nation? What jokes can be a taboo subject?
Most evidence suggests that humor increases pain tolerance, and some research proves the positive effect of jokes on general well-being. It helps basically with every disease. Laughter also stimulates the circulatory system, respiratory and relaxes muscles, so beyond the mental effect also affects our physiology. In addition to expanding knowledge about the subject, the Dr Kmita gives students tools and suggestions that can help them put humor in the workplace and match it with the circumstances. Laughter is used in medicine. Years ago, the Red Noses campaign was created. This project was to help seriously ill children.
Laughter lessons started in 2017 and are the most popular classes among students