It is called the “ghost village.” The small island Houtouwan in China was once full of life. In the past, two thousand people lived here, now there are a few of them.
The village is located on one of the more than 400 islands of the Shengsi archipelago. Residents began to leave here in the early 90s of the last century. The fishing settlement depopulated due to problems with food acquisition and China’s economic development. The main problems faced by residents are the lack of regular food supplies, lack of work and problems with electricity. Industry began to develop on the neighboring islands. Fishermen from Houtouwan decided to give up hard work at sea for more reliable work in factories. First, the richest families began to leave, followed by more.
Abandoned buildings quickly began to overgrow with vegetation, some houses have almost completely hidden behind vines that climb the walls and pierce the door. Today only a handful of people live in the village. There are definitely more tourists here, for whom the green town has become the main attraction of the region.